Monday, May 28, 2012

They ALL Made It

Was that the sunniest day in Sheffield so far??
As we watched ambulances rushing by and stretchers being used for 'Elite' runners, we all wondered where our own runners had got to (apart from Barry who was already basking in the glory of a 1hr 34 run, 3 minutes under his PB in that heat, imagine what he could of done if he hadn't been doing high fives with the crowd at under a mile to go - maybe knocked off that 10 seconds, beat the 'soft toy' and hit 1.33??!). Anyway, the Marathon Virgins Ruth, Sharon and Clare managed a very respectable 2hr 14, 2hr 36 and 2hr 48 respectively and a very special mention has to be made for Heidi who managed 2hr 48 and was supposed to be walking! I am not sure Clare and Heidi would have made it without Sam's help, encouraging, cajoling and occasionally just plain shouting at them, she didn't even break into a sweat to come across the line with Heidi and Clare. Lee ("I haven't done ANY training") whilst dressed as TOD completed the course in 2hr 20, but no -one has heard from him since, we think he went straight to the pub!  Jane came through in 2hr 29 and is planning a relaxing day looking after 20, 3 to 4 year olds! Izzy was just 1 minute outside her own PB at 1hr 51, but with an injury preventing training and the heat we reckon that still counts as a PB...

The Fun Run had a few fallers, but nothing more serious than grazed knees and everyone seemed to enjoy the run (anyone for the Half Marathon next year?). Apologies from me for those of you I didn't get to say hello and thank you to on the day, ALL of your support was greatly appreciated and I hope you all enjoyed the event itself.

Well done to everyone who took part, a great team effort and everyone should be feeling very proud of their efforts (and maybe a bit sore!) Clare has headed off to a Spa today to recover after being in bed at 1730 last night and I hope everyone else has a good recovery, we will let you know where we get to on the fund raising which is at £3759 on line, but we still have to collect and count a lot more!

Thank you all again,

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